Country for PR: Japan
Contributor: Kyodo News JBN
Monday, February 21 2022 - 17:00
39th Niwano Peace Prize Awarded to South Africa's Father Michael Lapsley, SSM
TOKYO, Feb. 21, 2022 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --

The Niwano Peace Foundation will award the 39th Niwano Peace Prize to Father 
Michael Lapsley, SSM of South Africa in recognition of his relentless struggle 
against apartheid and other forms of social discrimination as well as various 
peacebuilding activities in other parts of the world.

An award presentation ceremony will take place in Tokyo on June 14. In addition 
to an award certificate, Father Lapsley will receive a medal and a cash prize 
of 20 million yen.

Born in 1949 in New Zealand, Father Lapsley was ordained to priesthood in 
Australia in 1973. His religious conviction led him to work as a chaplain in 
South Africa at the height of apartheid there. But his involvement in 
anti-apartheid activities led to his expulsion from South Africa. Since then, 
he has moved globally, contributing to the healing of South Africans as well as 
many others all over the world.

In selecting Father Lapsley as a recipient for 2022, the Niwano Peace Prize 
Committee said he "lost both hands and one eye" due to a letter bomb explosion 
but he "did not become bitter" and, as one Committee member put it, "Rather he 
set about working on healing and reconciliation. He saw damage and he has 
strived to heal it."

Niwano Peace Prize:
The Niwano Peace Foundation established the Niwano Peace Prize to honor and 
encourage individuals and organizations that have contributed significantly to 
inter-religious cooperation, thereby furthering the cause of world peace, and 
to make their achievements known as widely as possible. The Foundation hopes in 
this way to enhance inter-religious understanding and cooperation and to 
encourage the emergence of still more persons devoted to working for world 
peace. The prize is named in honor of the founder and first president of the 
lay Buddhist organization Rissho Kosei-kai, Nikkyo Niwano. 

Niwano Peace Foundation:
The Niwano Peace Foundation was chartered in 1978 to contribute to the 
realization of world peace and the enhancement of a culture of peace. The 
Foundation promotes research and other activities based on the spirit of 
religious principles and serves the cause of peace in such fields as education, 
science, religion and philosophy. 

Source: Niwano Peace Foundation 

(Mr.) Seiji Hironaka/ (Ms.) Natsuki Kudo/ (Ms.) Aina Hirano
Niwano Peace Foundation
Tel: +81-3-3226-4371 
Fax: +81-3-3226-1835 