Country for PR: Japan
Contributor: Kyodo News JBN
Tuesday, March 22 2022 - 17:00
NIBIOHN Identifies Tissue-specific Exosome Marker Candidates from Blood
OSAKA, Japan, Mar. 22, 2022 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --

The National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition 
(hereinafter NIBIOHN) based in Ibaraki-shi, Osaka Prefecture, has successfully 
catalogued more than 4,000 proteins contained in exosomes in healthy human 
blood (serum and plasma). Using this catalogue, NIBIOHN has identified 
tissue-specific exosome marker candidates from blood that will lead to the 
development of highly accurate next-generation biomarkers.


Blood contains a mixture of exosomes secreted from nearly all tissues and 
cells, and exosomes from other tissues can mask changes caused by disease, 
making it difficult to detect the presence of biomarkers that reflect disease. 
This problem is more pronounced in the early stages of disease and hinders the 
development of early diagnostic markers. If exosomes derived from the tissue of 
interest could be purified, it would be possible to observe changes in exosomes 
secreted from the site of disease with a high degree of accuracy, even in the 
early stages of the disease.

Researchers at NIBIOHN purified exosomes from serum and plasma samples from 
healthy subjects, and successfully compiled a catalogue of proteins in blood 
exosomes on a scale of over 4,000 proteins by quantitative proteomic analysis. 
Furthermore, by combining this catalogue with information from a public 
database that defines tissue-specific proteins (Human Protein Atlas), they 
found that a number of tissue-specific proteins are also contained in blood 

For example, a group of brain tissue-specific proteins were identified in 
exosomes and these proteins were found to show similar patterns of variation 
between individuals by co-regulation analysis. Network analysis has revealed a 
number of proteins that have been reported to be associated with 
neurodegenerative diseases, including amyloid precursor protein (APP), 
microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT), presenilin 1 and huntingtin (HTT), 
suggesting that each of these proteins interact with each other and are present 
in exosomes. Therefore, if a technology to purify brain-derived exosomes is 
established in the future, it is expected to be applied as a new 
brain-monitoring technology to diagnose and monitor the pathology of 
neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, progressive 
supranuclear palsy and Huntington's disease.

For research details, please visit:

Source: National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition