Country for PR: Japan
Contributor: Kyodo News JBN
Tuesday, March 29 2022 - 18:00
Shiga Prefecture Deepening Ties with Austrian National Tourist Office; Cooperation to Be Expanded by Running Collaborative Booth at Music Event
OTSU, Japan, Mar. 29, 2022 /Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --

- International Exchanges Start After Finding: Austria and Lake Biwa Similar in 
Shape -

Shiga Prefecture has been promoting tourism and cultural exchanges with the 
Austrian National Tourist Office (ANTO) since last year. It is planning to 
introduce Austria's charms by setting up a sales booth for Austrian specialty 
goods during the "Omi Spring Biwako Classical Music Festival 2022" at the 
Biwako Hall Center for the Performing Arts, Shiga, in collaboration with ANTO 
on April 30 (Saturday) and May 1 (Sunday), 2022 -- a coordinated effort to 
share tourism information, sell specialty goods and so forth.

- Overview of Omi Spring Biwako Classical Music Festival 2022
Dates: April 29 (Friday) (pre-festival event), 30 (Saturday), May 1 (Sunday), 
Venue: Biwako Hall Center for the Performing Arts
Content: While taking thorough measures to prevent infection and spread of 
COVID-19, concerts will be held among distinguished artists and orchestras in 
large and small halls. Furthermore, sales of specialties are also planned at 
the booth dedicated to Austria.

- ANTO's tweet a trigger:


On "Lake Biwa Day (July 1)" in 2021, there was an interesting tweet from ANTO's 
Twitter account saying, "Lake Biwa and Austria are similar in shape." It became 
a hot topic and appeared in newspapers, catching the attention of Shiga 
Prefectural Government officials. The exchanges between Shiga Prefecture and 
ANTO started after the prefectural government officials, who felt it was a 
"serendipitous article," contacted the Austrian tourist office.

On July 9, 2021, the Biwako Visitors Bureau in charge of promoting tourism and 
products of Shiga Prefecture presented Shigaraki-yaki ceramic "tanuki" 
(Japanese raccoon dog) ware, a product of Shiga Prefecture's traditional 
pottery industry, to ANTO as a gift. ANTO sent a thank-you tweet and hosted a 
voting event to pick an Austrian name for the raccoon dog figurine. It was 
named "Gustav" after Austrian painter Gustav Klimt (1862-1918). It has appeared 
on ANTO's Twitter account time and again ever since, playing a part in 
bilateral exchanges.

According to a local media outlet handling information on Shiga Prefecture, the 
location of Vienna, Austria's capital, in the country matches that of Chikubu 
Island in Lake Biwa. The island is one of Japan's scenic historic sites and is 
known as a "power spot" (place of spiritual energy) with a mysterious temple. 
One cannot help but feel closer to Vienna and a fateful encounter with 
Austria's capital.

- Cheering for an Austrian athlete in the women's road cycling event at the 
Tokyo Olympics


After Austrian Anna Kiesenhofer won gold in the women's road cycling race at 
the Tokyo Olympics on July 25, 2021, the Biwako Visitors Bureau invited ANTO 
officials to visit "CocoShiga," a base in Tokyo's Nihonbashi district for 
disseminating information on Shiga Prefecture, on Aug. 6 and presented a 
bicycle-riding Shigaraki-yaki raccoon dog figurine named "Cycling tanuki-chan" 
to them. An Austrian section was set up there for a limited time. Similarities 
between Shiga Prefecture and Austria (beautiful lakes, cycling routes (e.g. 
Biwaichi), music and culture, pottery, lake-fish dishes, etc.) were displayed 
on a panel, and Austrian souvenirs and other items were introduced.

- ANTO officials visit Shiga Prefecture


On Oct. 7 and 8, 2021, two ANTO officials visited the Shiga Prefectural 
Government and Shigaraki in Koka City. They toured the Biwako Hall and a 
Shigaraki ware kiln, and experienced Shiga Prefecture's charms such as cycling 
along Lake Biwa. Shiga officials who received the Austrian visitors conveyed 
their gratitude for wonderful discoveries and disseminating information on the 
prefecture. They pledged to cooperate in promoting tourism exchanges.

There is the Biwaichi Cycling Route (total distance of about 200 km) encircling 
Lake Biwa. It is popular among cyclists from Japan and abroad because they can 
enjoy cycling while feeling nature. Hoping to see the gold medalist cycling on 
the route in the future, a "Biwaichi invitation" was sent to her. In Austria, 
there is a 135-km cycling road (part of it in Hungary) encircling Lake 
Neusiedl, a World Heritage site. It is hoped that exchanges will be promoted 
through cycling once the coronavirus goes away.

- Shiga vice governor visits Austrian Embassy


In December 2021, Shiga Vice Gov. Koji Ejima visited the Austrian Embassy and 
expressed his gratitude for starting exchanges following tweets posted on "Lake 
Biwa Day," introducing information on the prefecture and publicizing "Biwaichi" 
and so on. Confirming the shape of Lake Biwa, Stephan Heisler, Deputy Head of 
Mission at the Austrian Embassy in Tokyo, said with a touch of surprise that 
the lake and Austria look similar in shape. Ejima sounded him out about holding 
events featuring common themes on forthcoming "Lake Biwa Day." In reply, the 
Austrian envoy said the two sides should go ahead and discuss specific plans. 
Efforts will be made to expand cooperation toward fiscal 2022 by discussing 
what types of exchanges can be possible.

- Event in Tokyo to share Shiga Prefecture's charms


In a bid to increase the number of individuals interested in Shiga Prefecture, 
an event was held in Tokyo's Minato Ward from March 9 to 13 to advertise the 
prefecture's charms. In the PR booth, exchanges between Shiga Prefecture and 
Austria and relevant efforts were introduced, while Omi beef, a pride of Shiga 
Prefecture, was cooked in the style of Austrian cuisine called "schnitzel" and 
served in a cafe booth.

Source: Shiga Prefectural Government
