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Thursday, April 21 2022 - 20:16
PARIS, April 20, 2022 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

Ambitious global program marks a new era for the leading luxury beauty brand, 
which has also revamped its wider sustainability platform

Today, in the lead-up to Earth Day, YSL Beauty has announced a global program 
called REWILD OUR EARTH, in partnership with global NGO Re:wild, reflecting its 
broader commitment to making a positive impact on the planet and its people. 
The Rewild Our Earth program aims to protect and restore 100,000 hectares by 
2030––a surface area that is almost 10 times the size of Paris––and to 
safeguard biodiversity in priority areas affected by climate change where YSL 
Beauty's ingredients are sourced. Inspired by the brand's longstanding 
involvement in Morocco's Ourika Valley with the innovative Ourika Community 
Gardens initiative, this project is inscribed within the brand's new 
sustainability platform, known as 'Change the Rules, Change the Future'. This 
revamped vision has 3 key pillars: (1) Reduce Our Impact; (2) Rewild Our Earth; 
and (3) Abuse Is Not Love. 

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:

Rewild Our Earth: A Long-Term Initiative to Protect and Restore the Wild
A commitment to the Earth lies at the heart of the YSL Beauty brand, inspired 
by the legacy of Mr. Saint Laurent, a nature lover who drew inspiration from 
the natural wonders of Morocco throughout his career. Since the 2013 
introduction of the innovative Ourika Community Gardens project in Morocco, the 
brand has worked on restoring at-risk environments and has helped to empower 
local communities for nearly a decade. In 2021, the brand affirmed its 
commitment as part of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Now, 
with the launch of 'Rewild Our Earth', YSL Beauty will work in partnership with 
Re:wild, a world-renowned non-governmental organization that works across 188 
conservation areas in 89 countries to protect and restore biodiversity and to 
advance ecological restoration globally. For 2022, this program will focus 
specifically on the launch of "rewilding" programs in priority areas for 
biodiversity where the brand sources product ingredients. Rewilding is an 
innovative approach to conservation based on a progressive effort to enable 
natural processes, repair damaged ecosystems, and restore degraded landscapes; 
in other words, to better let nature take care of itself.

For 2022, 'Rewild Our Earth' will focus on the following priority areas: 

1. The Ourika Valley, Morocco, is a region where the brand cultivates a range 
of ingredients (such as pomegranate, marshmallow, iris, jasmine, walnut, and 
saffron), and which lies at the heart of YSL Beauty's sustainability strategy. 

The Ourika Community Gardens was started in 2013 as a socially responsible 
program connected to the Earth––living proof of the brand's commitment to 
sustainability. Today, at this remarkable site that is home to more than 200 
plant species, the brand continues to help empower communities of women to 
better their autonomy through a co-created co-operative. Beyond the Gardens, 
YSL Beauty has also worked more broadly throughout the Ourika Valley region 
since 2017 to plant trees and restore arid land, so far planting over 125,000 
trees in an area whose primary ecological risk is rising temperatures, 
deforestation, and frequent natural disasters. 

2. Haiti, linked with vetiver sourcing (an ingredient used in YSL Beauty's 
L'Homme & La Nuit de L'Homme, as well as in historical fragrances such as 

Haiti is experiencing an ecological crisis fueled by floods and landslides: the 
primary forest cover has shrunk from 60% in the 1920s to less than 1% today. 
This remaining land is a biodiversity hotspot that is home to an astonishing 
diversity of wildlife, much of which occur nowhere else. Without adequate trees 
to stabilize the sloping terrain, the country's population living downstream is 
being put in danger by these floods and landslides, creating a disastrous 
feedback loop of poverty and deforestation, fueled by climate change. The 
brand's priority is to help save and manage the remaining important forests of 
Bois Pangnol, and the essential habitats and species within. 

3. Madagascar, linked with vanilla and geranium sourcing (ingredients used in 
YSL Beauty's Black Opium, Libre, Le Vestiaire des Parfums, and Y). 

In Madagascar, the world's largest Oceanic island and a critical area for 
sustainability, widespread deforestation has compromised an important remaining 
forest link between two regions containing key biodiversity areas: Analamanga 
and Alaotra Mangoro. The protected area of Anjozorobe Angavo is a remaining 
primary forest corridor, harboring 558 species of plants, 9 species of lemurs, 
34 species of amphibians, 36 species of reptiles, and 75 species of birds. YSL 
Beauty is supporting the restoration of this corridor through collaboration 
between both authorities and communities, including a robust site monitoring 
program to ensure ecosystem health. The target of this program is to restore 
400,000 trees by 2023. 

4. Indonesia, linked with patchouli sourcing (ingredients used in fragrances 
such as YSL Beauty's Mon Paris, Black Opium and Le Vestiaire de Parfums). 

Described as the 'freshwater Galapagos', the lakes and surrounding areas of the 
Indonesian island of Sulawesi are home to some of the most unique sets of flora 
and fauna in the world. However, in recent years, the level of threat to this 
ecosystem has increased dramatically with overdevelopment in the area. These 
lakes are surrounded by largely unexplored forests, which support vibrant 
animal populations and act as watersheds that provide clean water and help to 
regulate the local climate; in other words, saving the lakes requires saving 
their forests. YSL Beauty's objective in supporting this area is to reduce the 
impact of invasive species on the endemic species of the lakes (restoring more 
than 16,000 hectares of Lake Matano), while also working with forest-edge 
communities to manage, protect, and restore 30,000 hectares of forests.

Change the Rules, Change the Future: An Ambitious Sustainability Platform that 
Prioritizes People and Planet

YSL Beauty is committed to enacting positive change in the world, focusing on 
both people and the planet. The brand has made new sustainability commitments 
and renewed its sustainability platform, which includes three key pillars. In 
addition to Rewild Our Earth, these include Reducing Our Impact and Abuse Is 
Not Love. 
- Reducing Our Impact addresses transitions towards low carbon and circular 
economies and establishes targets that are in line with the latest climate 
science. From sourcing and formulation, to packaging, manufacturing, transport, 
point of sale, and end of life use, YSL Beauty is committed to drastically 
reducing its environmental footprint. Through prioritizing bio-based 
ingredients (70% by 2023); investing in recyclable, rechargeable materials with 
lighter packaging (100% eco-designed and recyclable, with virgin plastics 
phased out by 2030); transitioning to 100% carbon-neutral French factories in 
2022; training and upskilling 100% of our beauty teams in sustainability, 
social impact, and consumer transparency; and ensuring retail and merchandising 
is 100% eco-designed, Reducing Our Impact is ambitiously targeting every aspect 
of the business to ensure goals are met. 
- Abuse Is Not Love is a global program to prevent and fight against intimate 
partner violence through prevention programming with non-profit partners, with 
the objective to create a dialogue on abusive behaviors and offer support to 
partners on the ground. Today the program exists in 20 countries and has 
already educated over 130,000 people on the warning signs of abuse through NGO 
prevention programming. Through internal training, partner and NGO support and 
evidence-based thought leadership, the program aims to educate 2 million people 
by 2030. 

For YSL Beauty, this platform marks a new era of sustainability that will 
define the beauty of the future. Moving forward, the brand's focus will be on 
continuing to harness innovation to unlock new possibilities––from how the 
brand makes its product, to the overarching impact it will have on the world. 

Photo -
Source: YSL Beauty
