Country for PR: United Kingdom
Contributor: PR Newswire Europe
Monday, May 09 2022 - 18:01
Real-time, Real Value: 80% of Businesses see Revenue Increases Thanks to Real-time Data
LONDON, May 9, 2022 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ -

    --  80% of companies surveyed report revenue uplift due to real-time data
    --  Potential $2.6 trillion total revenue uplift already realized across
        four key industries in six geographies with potential for an additional
        $1.6 trillion
    --  Estimated $321 billion in savings related to the reduction in non-people
    --  98% of companies report increased positive customer sentiment
    --  62% of companies report more efficient process rollouts after
        implementing real-time data systems

    KX [] and the Centre for Economics and Business
Research (CEBR []) have published 'The Speed to Business 
Value' an industry report
showing the commercial and operational benefits to be gained by businesses
adopting real-time data analytics technologies.

    Announced today at the Gartner� Data & Analytics Summit 2022, the in-depth
report surveyed over 1,200 companies spanning six countries (US, UK, France,
Germany, Singapore, and Australia) in four key sectors (manufacturing,
automotive, finance and insurance, and telecommunications). Its headline
findings are that 80% of companies surveyed have seen their revenues increase
after implementing real-time analytics. The total potential revenue uplift is
$2.6 trillion across the regions and sectors surveyed with a further $1.6
trillion of future additional revenue also possible.

    Drawing on a combination of both quantitative and qualitative research and
economic modeling, the report clearly demonstrates the measurable commercial and
operational value that real-time data management and analytics technologies can
deliver across major industry sectors. 98% of respondents reported increased
customer satisfaction while 60% are seeing major efficiency and productivity
gains. For example, the study results indicate that $321 billion in
non-personnel-related operating costs have been saved thanks to real-time data
analytics. Moreover, this number could rise to $379 billion if real-time data
analytics were fully implemented across all firms in the key industry sectors

    Kathy Schneider, Chief Marketing Officer, KX: "As the headline findings of 
report show, by implementing real-time data analytics technologies, businesses
globally can realize significant measurable business value. From process
improvements to cost reductions and tangible impact on business revenues, the
benefits are wide-reaching. This study provides a call to action for businesses
not yet leveraging real-time streaming data to modernize their approach and not
get left behind."

    Owen Good, Head of Economic Advisory at CEBR: "Our research sets out both 
scale and breadth of the economic benefits supported by real-time data. Based on
a survey of over 1,200 business decision-makers across six countries and four
industries, we estimated significant firm-level and macroeconomic benefits
associated with both the current and potential utilization of the technologies.
Notably, we estimate that firm-level gains from using real-time data - driven by
productivity gains from more efficient processing and managing of data -
resulted in an uplift of $7.4 billion in gross value added across all six
countries, with a further potential increase of $3.6 billion if the benefits of
real-time data were fully exploited."

    Report Highlights

    The report identifies several key 'value outcomes' that businesses in the
manufacturing, automotive, finance and insurance, and telecommunications sectors
can expect to achieve after implementing real-time data analytics technologies.

    Overall revenue uplift:

    --  80% of businesses across the study reported an increase in revenues
        attributable to real-time data equating to a possible total recognized
        value of $2.6 trillion.
    --  All markets reported an average increase in revenues across the four
        industry sectors with France posting the largest increase (21%), Germany
        (18%), the USA (18%) UK (14%), Singapore (12%), and Australia (9%).
    --  This equates to an average total potential increase in revenue of 17.5%
        across the six markets and four industries surveyed.
    More efficient processes:

    --  Across most regions, organizations in manufacturing, finance, and
        telecoms all reported more efficient rollout processes when developing
        and launching new applications, products, and services after
        implementing real-time data systems.
    --  Notable results include the telco sector in the UK where 86% of
        businesses reported more efficient rollout processes for new products
        and services after implementing real-time data systems. Similarly, 50%
        of Australian telcos reported the same.
    --  In finance and insurance, 74% of French firms reported greater
        efficiencies, 67% of US firms, and 61% of German firms.
    --  In manufacturing, every market reported more efficient rollout
        processes, with 73% of manufacturers in the USA and 70% in Australia
        leading the way.
    Improved customer experience:

    --  Every sector and geo reported positive gains in terms of customer
        satisfaction, such as faster service delivery; increased sales; better
        product quality; and reduced costs.
    --  The most positive impact was recorded in the Telecoms sector, where 39%
        of all respondents stated a significant growth of positive feedback
        after implementing real-time data, and 52% stated moderate.
    --  Similarly to the UK, respondents from Germany stated the biggest
        increase in customer feedback was as a result of the delivery of faster
        services; 64% overall. This is highest in the Finance industry with 80%,
        but both Manufacturing (70%) and Telecoms (65%) have strong feedback.

    Reduced operational costs (non-workforce):

    --  The overall reduction in costs is a significant value outcome for every
        industry in almost every country The impact of real-time data on this
        Value Outcome is the greatest in the USA where more than $187 billion
        could be saved overall.
    --  For Germany the figure is $97 billion, France $57bn and the UK $25bn.
        Even for a market, the size of Australia's, full adoption of real-time
        data could save $7.3 billion.
    --  An estimated $321 billion in cost is saved across all assessed
        industries, while full adoption of real-time data analytics for all
        firms across these industries could see this rise to almost $379
    Detecting anomalous activities:

    --  For detecting anomalous activities, real-time data delivers positive
        operational and financial results across every industry polled
    --  In the US, 84% of manufacturers saw at least a moderate reduction, while
        83% reported the same in telecoms
    --  In the UK, the telecoms sector saw 100% of surveyed businesses reporting
        some reduction in anomalies, with a quarter seeing a significant
    --  After implementing real-time data, 90% of respondents from Germany
        stated there was a reduction in the number of anomalies to some extent.

    The research also found that the definition of 'real-time' among businesses 
evolved significantly over the last year. According to KX's Microsecond Mindset 
report, published in February 2021, 13% of businesses defined real-time as a
millisecond or less - these new findings show this has now almost doubled to

    To download a copy of the summary Speed To Business Value report, please 
