Country for PR: Japan
Contributor: Kyodo News JBN
Wednesday, May 25 2022 - 17:00
SGI Supports Launch of "Immoral Code" Film Calling for New International Law on Autonomy in Weapons Systems
TOKYO, May 25, 2022 / Kyodo JBN-AsiaNet/ --

Immoral Code, a 23-minute documentary that raises important questions about how 
far we are prepared to let machines make decisions of life and death, was 
launched for online viewing on May 24.

The film, available at, cleverly demonstrates the complexity 
of human decision-making and the dangers posed by autonomous weapons that could 
"decide" who to kill.

Immoral Code was produced by Stop Killer Robots, an international coalition of 
concerned civil society groups. It asks viewers to sign a petition calling for 
new international law to regulate autonomy in weapons systems.

The Soka Gakkai International (SGI) Buddhist network has been an international 
member of Stop Killer Robots since 2018. Hayley Ramsay-Jones, director of the 
SGI Office for UN Affairs Geneva Liaison Office and representative of the Stop 
Killer Robots Working Group on Intersectionality, advised the filmmakers on 
issues related to representation, race and gender. 

She comments: "AI is not neutral. Racism operates at every level of the design 
process, production and implementation, and this has been shown to lead to 
mis-identification at alarming rates among communities of color and 
particularly with regard to black women."   

An in-person launch of Immoral Code was held on May 19 at the Prince Charles 
Cinema in London's Leicester Square, followed by an expert panel stressing that 
we are all vulnerable and the urgent need for internationally binding 
legislation. SGI supported the launch, along with Amnesty International, 
Article 36, and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Catherine Connolly, Automated Decision Research Manager for Stop Killer Robots, 
who spoke on the panel, urged: "Watch and share this film! States have made 
international treaties to ban and regulate other weapons systems. There is no 
reason they can't do it in this case. What they need is the will."

Immoral Code is introduced on the recently launched SGI Action for Peace 
website that highlights SGI's activities as an NGO in consultative status with 
the UN. See 

SGI is also engaged in the struggle to abolish nuclear weapons. Related 
resources on the new website include videos of first-person accounts from 
victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in original Japanese 
sound with subtitles in Chinese, English, French and Spanish at The 
book, "Hiroshima and Nagasaki: That We Never Forget," containing 50 individual 
testimonies, is also freely available.

Stop Killer Robots is a global coalition of more than 180 NGOs and academic 
partners working to ensure meaningful human control over the use of force 
through the development of new international law. 

The Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is an NGO in consultative status with the 
United Nations ECOSOC since 1983. The Soka Gakkai is a diverse global Buddhist 
community of 12 million people that promotes peace, culture and education. 

Source: Soka Gakkai International

Hayley Ramsay-Jones
SGI Office for UN Affairs, Geneva
Tel: +41-791032501
E-mail: hayley.rj[at]