Country for PR: Indonesia
Contributor: Antara News Agency
Thursday, May 26 2022 - 18:13
GPDRR: Indonesia offers sustainable resilience to tackle disaster risk
JAKARTA, Indonesia, May 26, 2022/Antara News Agency-AsiaNet/--

At the 2022 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) event, the 
Government of Indonesia offered the world the concept of sustainable resilience 
as a solution to address the challenges of systemic disaster risk.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo highlighted this concept at the opening 
ceremony of the 2022 GPDRR in Nusa Dua, here, on Wednesday.

The sustainable resilience concept is considered to be a solution to tackle all 
forms of disasters, including facing a pandemic and concurrently supporting the 
implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Jokowi remarked.

He highlighted the need to apply several measures to build sustainable 

"First, we should strengthen an anticipatory, responsive, and adaptive disaster 
preparedness culture as well as institutions in dealing with disasters," 
President Jokowi stated.

According to the president, disaster mitigation education and government 
institutions that are synergistic and responsive to disasters must become a 
shared priority.

Jokowi explained that the second measure deemed necessary is for every country 
to invest in science, innovation, and technology, including in ensuring access 
to finance and technology transfer.

"Access to funding is an important issue that we must take seriously. Indonesia 
has developed a strategy for funding and disaster insurance by establishing a 
pooling fund and using development funds at local levels to support disaster 
mitigation and preparedness," he stated.

The third measure is by building infrastructure that is resilient to disasters 
and climate change.

"(This is) in addition to mitigating (the impacts on) physical infrastructure, 
such as dams, breakwaters, reservoirs, and embankments; green infrastructure, 
such as mangrove forests, shrimp seedlings on the coast; ... as well as the 
development of open spaces to be part of the realization of infrastructure 
development," Jokowi pointed out.

"The protection of vulnerable groups living in high disaster risk areas must 
also get special attention," he stressed.

Lastly, the Indonesian president invited all countries to commit to 
implementing global agreements at the national and local levels.

"The Sendai Framework, the Paris Agreement, and the SDGs are important 
international agreements in the efforts to reduce disaster risk and climate 
change. I invite all countries to be committed and serious about implementing 
it," Jokowi stated.

He affirmed that disaster risk reduction is an effective investment to prevent 
future losses.

"To that end, we affirm Indonesia's commitment to implementing the Sendai 
Framework as well as other international commitments," he stressed.

The head of state also expressed Indonesia's readiness to share experiences and 
knowledge in disaster mitigation.

"As a disaster-prone country, Indonesia has accumulated knowledge and 
experience that can be an important lesson for the world, but Indonesia is also 
eager to learn from international experience," Jokowo emphasized.

"Let's work together to mitigate (impacts and manage risks with regard to) the 
rise in disasters for a better life today and tomorrow," he concluded.

On the occasion, several United Nations (UN) officials -- President of the 76th 
Session of the UN General Assembly Abdulla Shahid, UN Deputy Secretary General 
Amina Mohammed, and Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for 
Disaster Risk Reduction Mami Mizutori -- lauded Indonesia for being successful 
in controlling COVID-19, so that the 2022 GPDRR forum could be held in-person 
in Nusa Dua, Bali.

"I would like to convey the appreciation of the UN to the president of 
Indonesia and the people for hosting the 2022 GPDRR," Mohammed stated at the 
opening ceremony.

"I would like to congratulate and appreciate Indonesia for the measures that 
have been taken to address COVID (as a) response that had allowed us to meet in 
this conference here in-person," she stated.

According to the UN deputy secretary general, Indonesia's efforts to vaccinate 
its population of 217 million people is a major achievement.

"We applaud the leader of Indonesia for its vaccine program for keeping 
everyone safe and reacting and responding to the COVID pandemic," she stated.

She also affirmed that Indonesia is a critical partner that has taught the 
world a lot about disaster risk reduction.

"Your willingness to host this important gathering is a testament to the 
leading role that you (Indonesia) play in sustaining development and climate 
action," she remarked.

Meanwhile, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) 
Director Ricardo Mena lauded Indonesia as a country that is leading in the 
global efforts for disaster risk reduction.

"This is a very important (effort), and I think this is where we think that 
Indonesia is leading in terms of the global efforts to reduce disaster risks," 
Ricardo Mena stated in a special interview with ANTARA here on Monday (May 23).

Mena remarked that Indonesia has put forth a strong message about the 
importance of disaster risk reduction efforts by hosting the 2022 GPDRR.

"We believe that Indonesia is giving a very strong message through the 
engagement and hosting of the GPDRR here in Bali. We are very thankful to the 
Indonesian Government for that," he remarked.

The UNDRR director also highlighted Indonesia's leadership in adopting the 
long-term disaster risk reduction plan.

"I think what I would like to highlight is that Indonesia is one of the few 
countries in the world that has adopted a very long term plan to reduce 
disaster risks," he remarked.

"This is very important because if you want to really address the root causes, 
and you cannot do it in two, three, or five years. It is impossible, and we 
look and welcome very much the fact that Indonesia has a plan to reduce 
disaster risks that goes even beyond 2040," he added.

To that end, Mena also encouraged other countries to follow Indonesia's steps 
in adopting long-term plans for disaster risk reduction.

Indonesia hosts a series of meetings of the 7th Session of the Global Platform 
for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP2022) in Bali on May 23-28, 2022.

Source: Ministry of Communication and Informatics of Republic of Indonesia

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   Caption: President Joko Widodo (center), UN deputy secretary-general Amina 
Mohammed (fourth left), vice president of Zambia W.K. Mutale Nalumango (fourth 
right) take a picture with the head of National Agency for Disaster Management 
Suharyanto (left), special representative of the secretary-general for Disaster 
Risk Reduction Mami Mizutori (second left), coordinating minister for Human 
Development and Cultural Affairs Muhadjir Effendy (third left), president of 
the United Nations General Assembly Abdulla Shahida (third right), foreign 
affairs minister Retno Marsudi (second right), Bali governor Wayan Koster 
(right), and several delegations ahead of the opening ceremony of the Global 
Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) 2022 in Nusa Dua, Bali, Wednesday 
(May 25, 2022). The GPDRR is held in Bali, raising the theme of "From Risk to 
Resilience: Towards Sustainable Development for All in a COVID-19 Transformed 
World". ANTARA FOTO/Akbar Nugroho Gumay/foc.




