Country for PR: Indonesia
Contributor: Antara News Agency
Wednesday, June 22 2022 - 16:07
G20 committed to financing better pandemic response
JAKARTA, Indonesia, June 22, 2022/Antara News Agency-AsiaNet/--

The G20 members and several relevant international organizations agreed to work 
together to create the Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) to help countries in 
need to face any pandemic in the future.

During the 1st G20 Joint Finance and Health Ministerial Meeting held in 
Yogyakarta on Tuesday, Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani emphasized the 
urgency for collaborative work between health and finance sectors to better 
prepared for future pandemics, considering that the COVID-19 would not be the 

“The world is definitely watching us—how the G20 is going to respond with 
delivering concrete action in pandemic preparedness and response. The world is 
waiting for us,” Mulyani remarked.

Furthermore, she also asserted the importance of inclusivity in the work of 
FIF, led together by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Bank, 
which required the involvement of both developed and developing countries.

“Only then, we can be effective in preparing to tackle the next global pandemic 
together,” Mulyani stated.

“I would like to acknowledge the central role of the WHO in fighting pandemic 
and the importance of including the voice of developing countries in our 
institutional arrangement to create the most effective system for pandemic 
preparedness and response,” she added.

The WHO and the World Bank estimated that US$31 billion is required annually 
for strengthening global health security, according to WHO Director General 
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

About two-third of that fund could come from existing resources but that leaves 
a gap of US$10 billion per year. Hence, he expects that the FIF would help 
close that gap.

WHO and the World Bank have been cooperating to establish the FIF, which would 
be overseen by a board that takes a decision on funding allocation supported by 
a technical advisory panel.

Both the board and the technical advisory panel would be supported by the joint 
WHO-WB secretariat based at the Bank’s headquarters in Washington, with 
assisting staff from the WHO.

According to the plan, the Bank will provide financial and administrative 
leadership at the secretariat, operate as a representative for the FIF, hold 
and transfer relief funds, as well as provide administrative services.

Meanwhile, the WHO will provide technical leadership; coordinate input for the 
technical advisory panel; and prepare relevant technical documentation, 
recommendations, and reports for the council.

Both the World Bank and WHO will act as implementing entities, along with other 
global health partners with relevant expertise, including the Global Fund, the 
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), and the Coalition for 
Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

“We look forward to your active participation in building and financing a FIF 
that is inclusive, equitable, and effective in making our world safer from 
pandemics,” Tedros noted.

To date, the G20 has pushed for an emergency fundraising commitment of around 
US$1.1 billion from five member countries and one international social 
organization to mobilize the role of FIF.

The pledges came from the United States, the European Union, Germany, 
Indonesia, Singapore, and the Wellcome Trust.

Additionally, Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated the meeting 
was not only focusing on the FIF as the source of funds to face future 
pandemics, but the world must also think about the uses of funds.

“Because money is (only) half the solution for the health crisis. We need to 
translate this money into access to vaccines, medicines, and diagnostic tools,” 
he said at a press conference after the joint ministerial meeting.

In order to create such access, he explained, the engagement with private 
sectors as the producers of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics was crucial.

“We need to talk to them, to engage with them. How can they maintain a certain 
volume commitment? How then we will be able to distribute equally and very 
quickly if the next pandemic happens?” he noted.

The establishment of FIF is still in the ongoing discussion that will be 
continued at the next G20 meetings, hosted this year by Indonesia.

However, as the G20 President, Indonesia will continue to gather as much as 
possible support from more countries as well as an international organization 
even philanthropists, in order for them to be able to contribute to the 
financing side of pandemic preparedness and response. 

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   Caption: Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin (left) and 
Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani (right) at the 1st G20 Joint Finance 
and Health Ministerial Meeting held in Yogyakarta on Tuesday (21/6/2022).


