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Monday, August 01 2022 - 07:16
Global Fund Reports Significant Progress in Breaking Down Human Rights-Related Barriers to HIV and TB Services
MONTREAL, July 31, 2022 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

A new report [ 
] released by the Global Fund today at the 24th International AIDS Conference 
unveils key findings of the activities supported by the Global Fund's Breaking 
Down Barriers initiative [ ], a 
groundbreaking program launched in 2017 to provide intensive financial and 
technical support to 20 countries* to address stigma and discrimination, 
criminalization and other human rights-related obstacles that continue to 
threaten progress against HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and malaria.

"One of the most powerful lessons from the history of the fight against HIV is 
that success in confronting such a formidable disease cannot be achieved 
through biomedical interventions alone," said Peter Sands, Executive Director 
of the Global Fund. "We must also confront the injustices that make some people 
especially vulnerable to the disease and unable to access the health services 
they need. The same is true for TB, malaria, and other diseases, including 

In the context of HIV and TB, men who have sex with men, transgender people, 
sex workers, people who inject drugs, people living with HIV, and people in 
prisons and other closed settings are socially marginalized, often criminalized 
and face a range of human rights abuses that increase their vulnerability to 
the diseases and undermine their access to health services.

The key findings of the midterm assessments, which were conducted between 2019 
and end 2021, reveal all countries involved in the Breaking Down Barriers 
initiative saw progress in removing human rights–related barriers to HIV 
services, with a mean increase of 0.9 points from baseline on the 0-5 scale. 
However, even the top five scoring countries (Ukraine 3.7, Jamaica 3.5, 
Botswana 3.3, Senegal 3.1 and Kenya 3.1) are falling short of the scores that 
would represent a comprehensive response at a national level (above 4.0). 
Sierra Leone (+1.7), Jamaica (+1.6), Cameroon (+1.3) and Mozambique (+1.3) 
showed the greatest increase in scores.

All countries surveyed also showed progress on TB programming. The TB scores at 
midterm ranged from Ghana (2.8) to Sierra Leone (0.2), with an average increase 
from baseline of 0.6. For many countries, addressing human rights barriers to 
TB services entailed the development of new interventions, and the progress 
reported in the midterm assessment reflects a rapid expansion. The greatest 
increase was seen in Ukraine (+1.1) and Côte d'Ivoire (+1.5).

However, the assessments also show that COVID-19 slowed the progress of the 
Breaking Down Barriers initiative in many countries. But they also chronicle 
the ways in which human rights-related work on HIV contributed to rights-based 
approaches to COVID-19. In a few countries, support was provided to 
community-based paralegals to address human rights violations that occurred 
during lockdowns. Many innovative measures were undertaken to ensure that key 
populations would continue to receive services despite lockdowns or 
quarantines. In several countries, community awareness-raising focused on 
prevention of gender-based violence during lockdown periods.

Another round of evaluations, planned for late 2022 and the first six months of 
2023, will capture up to five years of activity and provide further insights 
into the results and impact achieved in the countries involved in the Breaking 
Down Barriers initiative.

Global Fund human rights funding is unprecedented. In the 20 countries of the 
Breaking Down Barriers initiative, Global Fund investments in programs to 
reduce human rights-related barriers have increased more than 10-fold – from 
slightly over US$10 million to now over US$130 million. Never has there been 
this much funding to support the implementation of comprehensive programs to 
remove human rights-related barriers to health services. 

"The Breaking Down Barriers experience demonstrates that, where there is 
sufficient funding and technical support, multiple stakeholders can be 
energized to combine and strengthen their efforts, and as a result, can make 
real progress in removing long-standing barriers," concluded Sands. "This is 
critical to defeating HIV, TB and malaria, building truly inclusive systems for 
health that leave no one behind, and enabling everyone, everywhere to realizing 
their right to health and well-being."

The Global Fund provides 30% of all international financing for HIV programs 
(12% of all available resources) and has invested US$22.7 billion in programs 
to prevent, diagnose and treat HIV and AIDS and US$3.8 billion in TB/HIV 
programs as of June 2021. In countries where the Global Fund invests, total 
AIDS-related deaths have dropped by 65% over the last 20 years.

The U.S. will host the Global Fund's Seventh Replenishment Pledging Conference 
[ ]in New York City on 
19-21 September 2022. With a Replenishment of at least US$18 billion, the 
Global Fund, together with partners, could reduce (from 2020 to 2026) new HIV 
infections by 68%, from 1.1 million to 348,000; AIDS-related deaths by 59%, 
from 579,000 to 239,000; incidence and mortality rates by 71% and 63% 
respectively; HIV incidence among adolescent girls and young women in most 
affected countries by 72%; and provide antiretroviral therapy to 28 million 
people in 2026 to reach 91% treatment coverage in 2026.

* The 20 countries involved in the Breaking Down Barriers initiative are Benin, 
Botswana, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, 
Honduras, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mozambique, Nepal, the 
Philippines, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tunisia, Uganda and Ukraine.

The Global Fund is a worldwide partnership to defeat HIV, TB and malaria and 
ensure a healthier, safer, more equitable future for all. We raise and invest 
more than US$4 billion a year to fight the deadliest infectious diseases, 
challenge the injustice which fuels them and strengthen health systems in more 
than 100 of the hardest hit countries. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 
pandemic, we have invested an additional US$4.3 billion to fight the new 
pandemic and reinforce systems for health. We unite world leaders, communities, 
civil society, health workers and the private sector to find solutions that 
have the most impact, and we take them to scale worldwide. Since 2002, the 
Global Fund partnership has saved 44 million lives.

Information on the work of the Global Fund is available at
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Source: The Global Fund