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Friday, September 23 2022 - 00:08
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 22, 2022 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

-- $15.75 Million in Prizes Awarded for Predicting Protein Structure with Deep 
Learning, Pioneering Field of Quantum Information, and Discoveries with 
Applications from Treating Neurodegenerative Disease to Optimizing Video 

-- Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences Awarded to Clifford P. Brangwynne and 
Anthony A. Hyman; Demis Hassabis and John Jumper; Emmanuel Mignot and Masashi 

-- Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics Awarded to Daniel A. Spielman

-- Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Awarded to Charles H. Bennett, 
Gilles Brassard, David Deutsch and Peter Shor 

-- Six New Horizons Prizes Awarded for Early-Career Achievements in Physics and 

-- Three Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prizes Awarded to Women Mathematicians 
for Early-Career Achievements

The Breakthrough Prize Foundation and its founding sponsors – Sergey Brin, 
Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg, Julia and Yuri Milner, and Anne Wojcicki – 
today announced the 2023 Breakthrough Prize laureates, recognized for their 
game-changing discoveries in Fundamental Physics, Life Sciences and 
Mathematics, along with early-career scientists who have made significant 
contributions to their fields.

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Three Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences are awarded to: Clifford P. 
Brangwynne and Anthony A. Hyman for discovering a new mechanism of cellular 
organization; Demis Hassabis and John Jumper for developing AlphaFold, which 
accurately predicts the structure of proteins; and to Emmanuel Mignot and 
Masashi Yanagisawa for discovering the causes of narcolepsy. The Breakthrough 
Prize in Mathematics goes to Daniel A. Spielman, for multiple discoveries in 
theoretical computer science and mathematics. The Breakthrough Prize in 
Fundamental Physics is shared by Charles H. Bennett, Gilles Brassard, David 
Deutsch and Peter Shor for their foundational work in quantum information. And 
important contributions from early-career scientists are also recognized, with 
six New Horizons Prizes in Physics and Mathematics and three Maryam Mirzakhani 
New Frontiers Prizes awarded for women mathematicians who have recently 
completed their doctorates.

"Neurodegenerative disease breakthroughs, quantum computing, AI solving protein 
structure, and more…" said Sergey Brin, "These are incredible advances that 
deserve to be celebrated."

"Congratulations to all of the Breakthrough Prize winners, whose incredible 
discoveries will pave the way for scientific discovery and spur innovation," 
said CZI Co-Founders and Co-CEOs Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg. "These 
laureates and early-career scientists are pushing the boundaries of what's 
possible in research and science, and we're thrilled to honor their 

"The laureates honored today embody the remarkable power of fundamental 
science," said Yuri Milner, "both to reveal deep truths about the Universe, and 
to improve human lives."

"The 2023 laureates have produced absolutely stellar science," said Anne 
Wojcicki. "The creativity, ingenuity and sheer perseverance that went into this 
work is awe-inspiring."

In the Life Sciences, Demis Hassabis and John Jumper are the leaders behind 
AlphaFold 2, the AI system that has largely solved the protein structure 
prediction problem – one of the biggest challenges in biology. Proteins are the 
nano-machines that run cells, and predicting their 3D structure from the 
sequence of their amino acids is central to understanding the workings of life. 
With their team at DeepMind, Hassabis and Jumper conceived and constructed a 
deep learning system that accurately and rapidly models the structure of 
proteins. AlphaFold has already had a revolutionary impact in the life 
sciences: this summer DeepMind uploaded the structures of 200 million proteins 
– nearly every known protein from across the tree of life – to a public 
database. The program reduces the time scientists typically spend determining 
protein structure from months or years to hours or minutes. It holds immense 
promise of future benefits, from drug design to synthetic biology, 
nanomaterials, and fundamental understanding of cellular processes.  A short 
video about their achievement can be found here ( 

The discovery of a new cellular process is recognized by another of the Life 
Sciences prizes. Until recently, it was thought that most of the work in a cell 
goes on in organelles – specialized subunits enclosed by membranes. But Anthony 
Hyman and Clifford Brangwynne discovered an entirely new physical principle 
that concentrates cellular interactions between proteins and other 
biomolecules, in the absence of membranes. They described dynamic liquid-like 
droplets that form rapidly by phase separation – similar to oil droplets 
forming in water – producing temporary structures protected from the molecular 
turmoil of the watery cell interior. Since their discovery, they and others 
have shown that these membraneless liquid condensates play a role in numerous 
cellular processes, including signalling, cell division, the nested structure 
of nucleoli in the cell nucleus, and the regulation of DNA. Their discovery is 
a fundamental advance in our understanding of cellular organization, and is 
likely to lead to clinical applications in the future, including for 
neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS.  A short video about their achievement 
can be found here ( 

Another neurodegenerative disease, narcolepsy, was little understood before 
Emmanuel Mignot and Masashi Yanagisawa, running separate labs and pursuing 
different research programs, converged on a new understanding of its causes. 
They showed that central to the disease is the protein orexin (also called 
hypocretin), which ordinarily regulates wakefulness. In some animals, such as 
dogs, narcolepsy is caused by a mutation affecting the neural receptor that 
orexin binds to; while in humans, the disease is triggered by the immune system 
attacking the cells that produce orexin (probably "mistaking" it for a viral 
particle). Mignot and Yanagisawa's discoveries have led to treatments shown to 
relieve the symptoms of narcolepsy, as well as enabling the design of 
sleep-inducing drugs. They revealed that narcolepsy is a neurodegenerative 
disease with autoimmune origins, and raise the possibility that other 
neurodegenerative diseases may be caused by selective loss of neurons. And they 
shed light on a central mechanism of sleep and waking, an area of behavior that 
still holds many mysteries.  A short video about their achievement can be found 
here ( 

In Mathematics, Daniel A. Spielman's insights and algorithms have been 
significant not only for mathematics, but for highly practical problems in 
computing, signal processing, engineering, and even the design of clinical 
trials. Among many other results, he and his collaborators solved the 
Kadison-Singer problem, which arose in quantum mechanics but turned out to be 
equivalent to major unsolved problems across numerous mathematical fields – 
from linear algebra (the study of equations featuring vectors and matrices) to 
higher-dimensional geometry, combinatorial optimization (for example, versions 
of the travelling salesman problem), and the mathematics of signal processing.  
A short video about his achievement can be found here ( 

In Fundamental Physics, the prize goes to four pioneers in the field of quantum 

With their BB84 protocol, Charles H. Bennett and Gilles Brassard, building on 
Stephen Wiesner's seminal but impractical idea of quantum money, initiated 
quantum cryptography by devising a practical way to send secret messages 
between users who share no secret information initially. Unlike methods 
commonly used in e-commerce, it cannot be broken even by an eavesdropper with 
unlimited computing power. Their 1993 discovery, with collaborators, of quantum 
teleportation, showed that entanglement is a useful quantifiable resource 
despite having no communication capacity of its own, thereby helping launch the 
new science of quantum information processing.
David Deutsch laid the foundations of quantum computation. He defined the 
quantum version of a Turing machine – a universal quantum computer – and proved 
that it could simulate to arbitrary accuracy any physical system that obeys the 
laws of quantum mechanics. He showed that such a computer is equivalent to a 
network of surprisingly few quantum gates – logic gates that leverage the 
quantum phenomena of entanglement and superposition of many states at once. And 
he designed the first quantum algorithm that can perform a calculation faster 
than the best equivalent classical algorithm.

Peter Shor went on to invent the first quantum computer algorithm that was 
clearly useful. Shor's algorithm can find the factors of large numbers 
exponentially faster than is thought to be possible for any classical 
algorithm. He also designed techniques for error-correction in quantum 
computers – a much harder feat than in classical computers, where simple 
redundancy will suffice. These ideas not only paved the way for today's 
fast-developing quantum computers; they are now also at the frontiers of 
fundamental physics, especially in the study of metrology – the science of 
measurement – and of quantum gravity. 

A short video about the physicists' achievement can be found here ( 

Beyond the main prizes, 6 New Horizons Prizes, each of $100,000, were 
distributed between 11 early-career scientists and mathematicians who have 
already made a substantial impact on their fields. In addition, 3 Maryam 
Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prizes, of $50,000 each, were awarded to women 
mathematicians who have recently completed their PhDs and produced important 

The Breakthrough Prizes are the world's largest science awards. Each of the 
five main prizes is $3 million, and the addition of the early-career awards 
brings this year's total prizes to $15.75 million.

Full citations for all the 2023 laureates can be found below:

2023 Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences

Clifford P. Brangwynne 
Princeton University, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Marine Biological 

Anthony A. Hyman 
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

For discovering a fundamental mechanism of cellular organization mediated by 
phase separation of proteins and RNA into membraneless liquid droplets.

Demis Hassabis

John Jumper

For developing a deep learning AI method that rapidly and accurately predicts 
the three-dimensional structure of proteins from their amino acid sequence.

Emmanuel Mignot 
Stanford University School of Medicine

Masashi Yanagisawa
University of Tsukuba

For discovering that narcolepsy is caused by the loss of a small population of 
brain cells that make a wake-promoting substance, paving the way for the 
development of new treatments for sleep disorders.

2023 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

Charles H. Bennett 
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

Gilles Brassard 
Université de Montréal

David Deutsch 
Oxford University

Peter W. Shor 

For foundational work in the field of quantum information.

2023 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics

Daniel A. Spielman ¬¬
Yale University

For breakthrough contributions to theoretical computer science and mathematics, 
including to spectral graph theory, the Kadison-Singer problem, numerical 
linear algebra, optimization, and coding theory. 

2023 New Horizons in Physics Prize

David Simmons-Duffin 

For the development of analytical and numerical techniques to study conformal 
field theories, including the ones describing the liquid vapor critical point 
and the superfluid phase transition.

Anna Grassellino 

For the discovery of major performance enhancements to niobium superconducting 
radio-frequency cavities, with applications ranging from accelerator physics to 
quantum devices.

Hannes Bernien 
University of Chicago

Manuel Endres 

Adam M. Kaufman 
JILA, National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado

Kang-Kuen Ni 
Harvard University

Hannes Pichler 
University of Innsbruck and Austrian Academy of Sciences

Jeff Thompson 
Princeton University

For the development of optical tweezer arrays to realize control of individual 
atoms for applications in quantum information science, metrology, and molecular 

2023 New Horizons in Mathematics Prize
Ana Caraiani 
Imperial College London and University of Bonn

For diverse transformative contributions to the Langlands program, and in 
particular for work with Peter Scholze on the Hodge-Tate period map for Shimura 
varieties and its applications. 

Ronen Eldan 
Weizmann Institute of Science and Microsoft Research

For the creation of the stochastic localization method, that has led to 
significant progress in several open problems in high-dimensional geometry and 
probability, including Jean Bourgain's slicing problem and the KLS conjecture.

James Maynard
Oxford University and Institute for Advanced Study

For multiple contributions to analytic number theory, and in particular to the 
distribution of prime numbers.

2023 Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize
Maggie Miller 
Stanford University and Clay Mathematics Institute
(PhD Princeton University 2020)

For work on fibered ribbon knots and surfaces in 4-dimensional manifolds.

Jinyoung Park 
Stanford University
(PhD Rutgers University 2020)

For contributions to the resolution of several major conjectures on thresholds 
and selector processes.   

Vera Traub 
University of Bonn
(PhD University of Bonn 2020)

For advances in approximation results in classical combinatorial optimization 
problems, including the traveling salesman problem and network design.

# # #

About The Breakthrough Prize

For the eleventh year, the Breakthrough Prize, renowned as the "Oscars of 
Science," recognizes the world's top scientists. Each prize is $3 million and 
presented in the fields of Life Sciences, Fundamental Physics and Mathematics. 
In addition, up to three New Horizons in Physics Prizes, up to three New 
Horizons in Mathematics Prizes and up to three Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers 
Prizes are given out to early-career researchers each year. Laureates attend a 
gala award ceremony designed to celebrate their achievements and inspire the 
next generation of scientists. As part of the ceremony schedule, they also 
engage in a program of lectures and discussions.

The Breakthrough Prizes were founded by Sergey Brin, Priscilla Chan and Mark 
Zuckerberg, Julia and Yuri Milner, and Anne Wojcicki and have been sponsored by 
foundations established by them. Selection Committees composed of previous 
Breakthrough Prize laureates in each field choose the winners. Information on 
the Breakthrough Prize is available at

SOURCE: The Breakthrough Prize

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