Country for PR: Japan
Contributor: Kyodo News JBN
Wednesday, October 12 2022 - 17:00
Three New Articles Presenting Japanese Research Universities, Partnership with Africa and Autumnal Scenes: Japanese Government's Official E-magazine "KIZUNA"
TOKYO, Oct. 12, 2022 /Kyodo JBN-Asianet/ --

The Government of Japan publishes new articles every month in an official 
e-magazine, "KIZUNA." This month, the president of Keio University, one of 
Japan's top private schools, and the promising young CEO of an AI startup 
discuss the role of world-class research universities in innovation, rural 
revitalization, and more. Other articles are about an international conference 
on Africa's development and on splendid and tasty autumn in Japan.



- Research Universities Seek to be Competitive and Collaborative
The president of Keio University and a promising CEO of an AI startup discuss 
what it takes to be a world-class research university. 

- Fostering a Sustainable Japan-Africa Partnership
At TICAD 8 in Tunisia, Japan announced that it will invest $30 billion to 
support Africa's development.

- Colors and Savors of Autumn Reflect Japan
Autumn's colors of graceful Himeji Castle and the mysterious Goshikinuma ponds 
are set off by the savor of fleshy oysters. 

About "KIZUNA"
Kizuna means the enduring bonds between people -- close relationships forged 
through mutual trust and support. The kizuna cultivated among countries of the 
world has the power to deepen cooperation for a better future. By reporting on 
a wide variety of topics concerning Japan, "KIZUNA" hopes that this publication 
will provide opportunities for Japan and the rest of the world to connect and 
build strong kizuna. 

Source: Cabinet Public Affairs Office, Cabinet Secretariat, Government of Japan