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Monday, October 24 2022 - 19:00
Research supported by Royal Commission for AlUla provides new insights into huge, ancient animal traps known as 'kites'
ALULA, Saudi Arabia, October 24, 2022 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/--

- Studies widen the inventory and geographic extent of these gigantic animal 
traps, the largest built structures of their ancient era

- Animals were driven along converging stone walls for hundreds of metres to a 
sudden precipice or concealed pit

- RCU is further revealing region's cultural heritage through such research, 
the intellectual foundation for Kingdoms Institute as hub of archaeology

New peer-reviewed research into ancient stone-built animal traps, known as 
'desert kites', reveals sophisticated and extensive hunting of wild animals 
from the Late Neolithic and shows the ingenuity and perhaps collaborative 
nature of the region's peoples in the past.

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The structures were named 'kites' by aviators in the 1920s because, observed 
from above, their form is reminiscent of old-fashioned children's kites with 
streamers.  However, the origins and function of these huge, monumental 
structures had been a matter of debate.

Dr Remy Crassard, a leading expert on desert kites, notes that they are some of 
the largest ancient structures of their era. The oldest kites, in southern 
Jordan, have been dated to 7000 BCE. The age of newly found kites in north-west 
Arabia is still being determined but appears to straddle the transition from 
the Late Neolithic to the Bronze Age (5000–2000 BCE). Dr Crassard – who, 
besides being affiliated with France's National Centre for Scientific Research 
(CNRS), is a co-director of the Khaybar Longue Durée Archaeological Project, 
which is sponsored by RCU and its strategic partner Afalula (France's Agency 
for the Development of AlUla) – estimates that 700 to 800 kites were known 20 
years ago compared to about 6,500 now, with the number still growing.

Based on recent research conducted in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Armenia and 
Kazakhstan, Dr Crassard's team affirms that kites were used for hunting and not 
for domestication, that they "mark a profound change in human strategies for 
trapping animals", and that "the development of these mega-traps made a 
spectacular human impact on the landscape". Kites may have led to hunting well 
beyond subsistence levels, related to "an increase in symbolic behaviour 
related to food production and social organisation". Some wild species such as 
gazelles might have altered their migratory routes as a result, and other 
species might have been hunted to extinction.

In Saudi Arabia, research led by Rebecca Repper of the University of Western 
Australia's RCU-sponsored team, Aerial Archaeology in the Kingdom of Saudi 
Arabia – Al Ula, detected 207 previously unknown kites in AlUla County. These 
are especially concentrated on the Harrat 'Uwayrid, an upland area with an 
extinct volcano. The team found that a distinct type of V-shaped kite was the 
dominant form in their study area, in contrast to kites found elsewhere in the 
region. Kites have been described in a variety of shapes, including V, 'sock', 
'hatchet' and W-shaped.

Regardless of form, all kites in the region have driving lines of low stone 
walls that converge to funnel animals towards a trap such as a pit or 
precipice. On average, the driving lines of the AlUla kites are approximately 
200m long. However, elsewhere they can stretch for kilometres. Ms Repper says 
the shorter length shows the local knowledge of the hunters, who placed the 
traps in areas where existing landscapes naturally restricted animal movements. 
Kite placement also suggests that the hunters had an intimate knowledge of prey 

While kites recorded in the AlUla region tended to funnel prey towards a sudden 
precipice, kites elsewhere often end in concealed pits, in which hundreds of 
animals could be killed during a single hunt. This difference could be an 
adaptation to the local geography or an evolution of trap hunting.

The aerial archaeology team's research in the region complements work by Dr 
Crassard, who contributed data on the kites of Khaybar to a recently published 
study led by Dr Olivier Barge (CNRS) on the relative chronology of kite types. 
In Khaybar, two types of kites have been distinguished: traditionally defined 
desert kites and rudimentary proto-kites, which do not have a well-defined 
enclosure surrounded by traps or pits. The team suggests that the proto-kites 
might have been a precursor to desert kites. The more complex kites may reflect 
less opportunistic and more formalized hunting techniques.

Dr Rebecca Foote, Director of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research for 
RCU, said: "These studies add to our growing understanding of the rich cultural 
heritage of the people of north-west Arabia, in this case more on prehistoric 
practices. The recent studies expand on our earlier discoveries of the 
Neolithic period in the region, including the construction of large-scale 
ritual structures known as mustatils. As we embark on the autumn season of 
RCU-supported archaeological fieldwork, with teams from KSA, France, Australia, 
Germany and beyond, we look forward to many more insightful findings as part of 
our ambitious plan to create a global hub of archaeological research and 
conservation in AlUla."

That hub, the Kingdoms Institute, is currently active as a research 
organization, with plans to open a physical presence at AlUla by 2030. The 
RCU-sponsored research in and around AlUla is adding to the knowledge base that 
will inform the Kingdoms Institute. RCU expects the institute to become a prime 
destination by the time AlUla is receiving 2 million visitors a year in 2035.

Dr Ingrid Périssé Valéro, Director of Archaeology and Heritage for Afalula, 
said: "The recording of these new kites in AlUla and Khaybar opens up important 
perspectives on the origins, development and diffusion of these hunting 
structures, which marked a significant milestone in the history of human 
evolution and mankind's relationship with the natural environment. The 
groundbreaking research from these international teams, including work by 
France's expert Dr Rémy Crassard, combines the results of satellite image 
analysis and fieldwork, which is the only way to provide precise dating and 
function by analysing the material associated with these structures. Without a 
doubt, the ongoing research will be a landmark in prehistorical studies."

The recent research is detailed in the following:

- The Use of Desert Kites as Hunting Mega Traps: Functional Evidence and 
Potential Impacts on Socioeconomic and Ecological Spheres' by Rémy Crassard, et 
al, published in Journal of World Prehistory. Project sponsored by CNRS and 
French National Research Agency.

- Kites of AlUla County and the Ḥarrat 'Uwayriḍ, Saudi Arabia' by 
Rebecca Repper, et al, published in Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy. Project 
sponsored by RCU.

- New Arabian desert kites and potential proto-kites extend the global 
distribution of hunting mega-traps' by Olivier Barge, et al, published in 
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. Khaybar data in this article 
results from the Khaybar Longue Durée Archaeological Project.

To download a factsheet and diagrams on kites, click here 

About the Royal Commission for AlUla 

RCU was established by royal decree in July 2017 to preserve and develop AlUla, 
a region of outstanding natural and cultural significance in north-west Saudi 
Arabia. RCU's long-term plan outlines a responsible, sustainable, and sensitive 
approach to urban and economic development that preserves the area's natural 
and cultural heritage, while establishing AlUla as a desirable location to 
live, work, and visit. This encompasses a broad range of initiatives across 
archaeology, tourism, education,  the arts, nature and more, reflecting a 
commitment to meeting the economic diversification, local community 
empowerment, and heritage preservation priorities of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 

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SOURCE: Royal Commission for AlUla 
