Country for PR: Australia
Contributor: Medianet International
Thursday, January 12 2023 - 18:46
Tiger Beer stunt shines light on Gen Z and Millennials feeling the pressure to live up to an "impossible standard"
SINGAPORE, Jan.12/Medianet International-AsiaNet/--

Today, passers-by in Singapore's Central Business District were left stunned as 
busy businessmen and women stopped in their tracks, frozen in time. 

The "Bolder Tomorrow" stunt was conducted by Tiger Beer to mark the start of 
the Lunar New Year on 22 January. It acts as a powerful reminder to stop, 
reflect and celebrate our accomplishments over the past year as the first step 
towards a bolder tomorrow. 

Images and video of stunt to be available at

By freezing in their tracks, the stunt highlighted what's missing in modern 
society – the courage to stop endlessly chasing the next big win. It comes as 
new research reveals that Gen Z and Millennials (1) in Southeast Asia are 
putting so much pressure on themselves to achieve, they aren't celebrating the 
wins of today. 

Unprecedented pressures on young adults exacerbated by social media 

"A Bolder Tomorrow", the new research report from Tiger Beer, conducted by 
independent research agency YouGov, reveals that 90% of Gen Z and Millennial 
Southeast Asians admit to putting pressure on themselves, with a shocking 58% 
feeling pressured to live up to an "impossible standard". The research reveals 
that the top pressures they are putting on themselves are:
- To be more confident (49%)
- To be more active / fitter (44%)
- To be more sociable (37%)

Surprisingly, the research revealed 57% of young adult Southeast Asians admit 
that they are even putting more pressure on themselves than their parents did. 
Social media is playing a role in the pressure to achieve, with nearly two 
thirds (64%) of respondents feeling their achievements aren't significant when 
they compare them to those they see on social media.

Pressure to achieve stops celebration of the small wins

Sadly, the unrealistic pressures that Gen Z and Millennials are putting on 
themselves are stopping them from celebrating the small wins, with just one in 
10 of those surveyed saying that they always celebrate the small wins. Of those 
who don't always celebrate small wins, 30% say it's because they feel that 
whatever they do, it's never good enough. In fact, the majority (59%) of young 
Southeast Asians say they don't feel that they've accomplished anything 
significant this year. 

Young adult Southeast Asians are also shy of sharing their wins, making them 
more likely to feel comfortable sharing a photo of their dinner on social media 
(33%) than their achievements (22%). 

Commenting on the stunt, Sean O'Donnell, Global Brand Director, Tiger Beer 
said: "Tiger Beer believes that we are all born with a Tiger inside us - a 
version of ourselves that knows no limits to what is possible. But sometimes it 
can feel like the more we achieve, the further we're expected to go. Our 
research uncovered that young adults in Asia are putting an unprecedented 
amount of pressure on themselves and aren't stopping to celebrate life's small 
wins. So, Tiger Beer is reminding everyone to stop and celebrate the successes 
that got them where they are today by unveiling a stunt which sees hundreds of 
people freeze in their tracks in one of Southeast Asia's busiest downtown 
areas. Stopping to celebrate your achievements is the first step towards 
achieving even bolder ambitions in 2023."

Time to stop, reflect and celebrate wins makes people feel better

Despite the reluctance, 58% agree it's important to celebrate life's small wins 
and say they feel better when they take a moment to give recognition to their 
achievements (68%). And it seems there are lots of reasons to celebrate, 
- A promotion or pay rise (52%)
- Buying a house (49%)
- Winning an award for work (40%) 
- Achieving fitness goals (34%). 

As we approach Lunar New Year, young adult Southeast Asians are feeling 
reflective (35%) and ready for a new challenge (37%). As they plan for 2023, 
two-fifths (41%) plan to care less about what other people think and over a 
third (35%) plan to acknowledge their achievements more - an important first 
step towards achieving their goals in 2023.

Notes to editor
A full range of media assets to be available at - including the 
full research report and images (from 3pm) and video of the stunt (7pm)
Follow @tigerbeer on Instagram and Facebook for more updates on the campaign.

Research methodology
The findings from this release are the result of a survey conducted by YouGov 
in December 2022.The sample consisted of a nationally representative sample of 
3,000+ Gen Z and Millennial Singaporeans, Malaysians and Vietnamese (aged 18 - 
42). Following the completion of the survey, the data was weighted by age, 
gender and region to reflect the latest population estimates.

(1)   All research in this release refers to Southeast Asian people aged 18-42 
(Gen Z and Millennials) across Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam 

About TIGER(R):
Tiger(R) was born in 1932 on the streets of Singapore. Today, Tiger(R) is the 
number one international premium beer from  Asia and one of the world's 
fastest-growing beer brands. It is available in more than 50 markets across the 
globe. Defying the odds to create the ultimate brew, a perfect balance between 
bold and refreshing, Tiger(R) has been uncaging new ways to take refreshment to 
the next level and make the impossible possible for decades. Tiger(R) believes 
that we are all born with a Tiger inside us, a version of ourselves that knows 
no limits to what is possible. But we often succumb to the status quo because 
unlike a Tiger, we fear failure.  For more information, please visit 	

HEINEKEN is the world's most international brewer. It is the leading developer 
and marketer of premium beer and cider brands. Led by the Heineken(R) brand, 
the Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and 
specialty beers and ciders. HEINEKEN is committed to innovation, long-term 
brand investment, disciplined sales execution and focused cost management. 
Through "Brewing a Better World", sustainability is embedded in the business. 
HEINEKEN has a well-balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in 
both developed and developing markets. It employs more than 80,000 employees 
and operates breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities 
in more than 70 countries. Heineken N.V. and Heineken Holding N.V. shares trade 
on the Euronext in Amsterdam. Prices for the ordinary shares may be accessed on 
Bloomberg under the symbols HEIA NA and HEIO NA and on Reuters under HEIN.AS 
and HEIO.AS. HEINEKEN has two sponsored level 1 American Depositary Receipt 
(ADR) programmes: Heineken N.V. (OTCQX: HEINY) and Heineken Holding N.V. 
(OTCQX: HKHHY). Most recent information is available on HEINEKEN's website. 

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Image Attachments Links:


   Caption: Hundreds freeze by Singapore’s Guoco Tower in stunt by Tiger Beer

Stunt Image 2.jpg