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Health & Medical Results: 3 item(s)
SYDNEY, July 10/Medianet - AsiaNet/ -- The Asia Pacific region will take an international centre stage for general practice this October as a global conference of general practitioners, family doctors and primary health practitioners meets in Sydney to tackle the key health issues bein...
FRANKFURT, Sept. 2, 2022/Medianet International-AsiaNet/-- PharmaLex Group, a leading provider of specialized services for the pharma, biotech and medtech industries worldwide, has announced the opening of a new branch in Beijing, China, giving global clients access to a team of regulatory experts in the ...
CAMBRIDGE, Australia, May 28, 2020/Medianet International-AsiaNet/-- Australian scientists have revealed that a natural compound found in seaweed may reduce the effects of severe cases of Influenza A. Fucoidan is a highly bioactive compound found naturally in brown seaweed and well known for its diverse therapeu...