Xinhua News Agency (Xinhua), founded in 1931, has grown into the most prestigious national news agency in China and expanded its service to the world since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The headquarters of Xinhua is located in Beijing and its president is Mr. Li Congjun.
Xinhua has domestic bureaus and sub-bureaus throughout China's 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. It also has five overseas regional bureaus based in Hong Kong, Mexico City, Nairobi, Cairo and Brussels, as well as resident bureaus in more than 100 countries and regions, establishing a vast news gathering, editing and distributing network.
As one of the founders and board members of AsiaNet, Xinhua handles AsiaNet business in China via its News and Information Center (also known as the China Economic Information Service) by translating AsiaNet releases into Chinese and distributing widely to various media organizations through the Internet, email or fax.
Xinhua has already set up a new section for AsiaNet on its website ( including images, original releases in English, Chinese translations and edited translations, making access to AsiaNet's material even more handy.